My Human name is Jeff. I’m not entirely sure I’m from this planet, but since I’m here, and I love beer, I decided to write about it from my admittedly personal point of view. I’ve been on this rock for a while, and watched the whole time, so – unless otherwise noted – the contents of this blog are all my own personal opinion, and should be read as such.
I have travelled a lot and stopped to sample local beer along the way, sometimes talking to humans as I study their peculiar habits and silently plot to take over all of this weird little rock. I will do it slowly, talking about beer until everyone is drinking it, at which point…? I haven’t completed the plan yet. Check back for updates.
I can be reached via twitter @rightaboutbeer or through the emails – If you’d like to contribute or collaborate on projects I’m eager to expand my content and happy to consult with other folks on beer-related content of any sort!